Praying goal nearly completed  

Posted by Tiffany

A big apology to all my fellow TT-ers...I didn't get round to commenting on your TT's last week. I was in Singapore, and then really busy, and after that I fell sick. I know, bad excuses, but forgive me! I promise I'll comment this week.

In my last Thursday Thirteen, I wrote about goals that I wanted to accomplish before the end of the year. In goal 6, I wrote about how I wanted to have prayed in front and with other people at least twice. It's a difficult goal for me because I always get nervous and shy, and every time I've attempted to pray with other people, my mind goes blank, there's a silence for minutes, before someone has sympathy on me and starts praying.

Well, on Saturday, we had Thirst, where our youth group combines with the younger youth group for the night and we have an amazing night of worship together. It was a pretty awesome time, and I really felt like I was in the presence of God. Anyway, at the end, we had to get into groups of 3 and pray for each other.

None of my friends were sitting around me, so I had to be in a group with strangers (ahhh!!!). Part of me was so tempted to be like, 'umm guys, I'm a baby Christian and haven't really prayed in front of people, mind if I sit this out?' But another part of me thought, 'well, if I'm not going to step out of my comfort zone now, will I ever?' and it made me scared to think that 10 years from now, I'd still be sitting out in prayer.

So, I said a quick silent prayer to God, asking Him to calm my fears and give me confidence, and asked the Holy Spirit to lead me in prayer. And you know what? It wasn't all that bad. And afterwards, I felt so good about taking a risk, and truly felt that on that night, I grew a little spiritually.

So only one more public praying session before goal 6 is complete!

This entry was posted on Tuesday, October 03, 2006 at Tuesday, October 03, 2006 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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