Tonight at 180, I felt the Lord say, "It is your birthright, your inheritance to know and experience My delight in you! It is your birthright to be dripping with the oil of gladness and joy, because it is never anything you do, but who you are to Me."
Then I saw a vision of me, darkness all within me, and as we worshipped the darkness was pulled out of me and placed onto Jesus. He was hanging on the cross, white and all pure, until my sin touched Him, and He went gray and black. But there I was, white and glowing with splendor, and as I was horrified with how black Jesus had become, suddenly all the darkness on Him was consumed and He disappeared off the cross. He reappeared next to me, shining in all His glory, white and pure once again, because sin and death could not hold Him down!
And as He stood next to me, both of us glowing with light, He spoke, "No more shame, no more guilt. They are not fitting for My bride to wear, for I bore every sin of yours on the cross. I clothe you with My righteousness, My holiness, My purity. Receive My embrace and love!"
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on Sunday, March 22, 2009
at Sunday, March 22, 2009
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