Discipleship Training School
I've finally arrived! I've waited for so long for this, and I'm finally here in Penang to do my DTS with YWAM! God has blessed me so much that even though I was one of the last ones to arrive, I was given my own bunk bed and my own cupboard! It's more than I could ever have hoped for. He is so good to me. :)
Well, I'll be here for the next 5 1/2 months learning more about God and going on a 6 week mission trip. I really pray that while I'm here, I would really learn to discipline my body, that I might be able to be a morning person, waking up early to spend my quiet time with You. I'm a bit scared I won't have time to meet with You and seek Your face, so help me to make an effort because truly, all I want is You.
We were prayed over by the staff today, and Melanie (the base director's wife) had two prophetic images for me.
- Lots of little lights and a huge light descending upon me (I felt God's liquid love just pouring out over me as she was praying this out!).
- My mouth opening to speak and my tongue turning into a key that God had given me to unlock the hearts of men and women for their healing, that they might know God.