Birthday Party
I had the most amazing and fabulous birthday party tonight!!! The night started off at church with a one and half hour prayer meeting. It was my first one so I thought there was a service on and I started chatting and laughing with my friend Jeremiah until I realised that everyone else around me was praying. Patrick explained to me that there wasn't really a 'service' but that it was more like soaking and praying. Haha, yeah after that I shut up and started praying ;)
All 18 of us went to the HK Cafe at East Coast Park around 10:30 where we ordered lots of food and took lots of pics. It was an amazing party! Okay, so as everyone who was there tonight can testify, I have a thing with party hats. Man, the party hats made the party so great! I loved that my very cool friends wore the party hats even though they were embarassed :) And when they presented me with the money that they had collected to bless me, man, I nearly cried. It was so sweet and I was so incredibly touched.
Oh, and after we finished eating, everyone went home but I was still so wide awake, so Patrick and I drove to Clarke Quay and did the Reverse Bungy AND the Extreme Swing (where you go up 45m and they drop you). All in all, it was a great night!!!
Which makes it even harder to leave. I love my friends here.
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on Saturday, January 05, 2008
at Saturday, January 05, 2008
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