
3 years ago today...  

Posted by Tiffany

I was the only one getting baptised that day.

I woke up that morning with great anticipation and nervousness. It had taken a lot, but the day was finally here. I remember the week that had just passed. I had fallen out with one of my bestfriends over an argument about getting baptised, and even until today, we haven't spoken since. None of my friends understood why I wanted to get baptised, my boyfriend and I had broken up over my faith, and even my family were at odds with me. I remember this guy telling me, "Don't bother trying to be someone you know you're not. Those Christians will make you feel like you're burning in hell when they find out who you really are."

I was sad that I had no close friends that I could invite to join me on this special day, but so thankful that somehow God persuaded my parents to come (they weren't going to), even though they got angry and argumentative the whole way to Deep Water Bay. Even though there was this sadness, it didn't matter, because I knew that this day was about me and God. Up till today, I had convinced myself that even though I was saved, I could walk away from Him anytime I wanted to. But I knew that this public declaration of my faith was so important, and even though my life and walk with God was far from perfect, I wanted to be baptised because I wanted to be obedient to His word and to show Him that I was proud to be called His own.

My family, out of love for me, woke up at 6 on a Saturday morning, in order for us to be at Deep Water Bay before 9. I am still so amazed at their love for me, that though they didn't understand it at all, and they sooooo didn't want to be there around all these 'Christian people', that they still showed up.

I was bouncing off the walls of the bus the whole way to the beach, and when I got off the bus, I was astounded to see 10 people from my church waiting for me. None of these people barely even knew me, and they all had families to be with and children to look after, but they made such an effort and showed up to share this day with me. God is good! I don't even remember half the names of the people who turned up, and I remember only slightly more of the faces, BUT, I remember the love that I felt when I looked into these people's eyes. It was such an awesome feeling knowing that they were there just for me, to witness my declaration of faith!

My pastor and I walked out into the ocean with everyone watching us (even all the non-Christian beach people hehehe), and after I said, 'I do', he dipped me backwards into the water. As I was under, I remember thinking, "Lord, I die to myself so that You might live in me." As I broke through the water on my way up, I gazed up at the sky and at the streams of sunlight falling on the sea and this peace fell over me. I knew then that though I might think about it in the future, or even attempt it for a while, I would never be able to walk away from God and be satisfied again.

Once we've tasted of His glory, nothing in this world will ever compare.

Here's to the beginning of eternity with you, Lord! *clink clink*

This entry was posted on Tuesday, September 25, 2007 at Tuesday, September 25, 2007 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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