Goodbye Hong Kong  

Posted by Tiffany

Thank you, Howtome, Brigette, Staceyhoff & Judith for your lovely comments. The encouragement was much appreciated. A lot has happened since my last post, but one thing that has remained constant is God's faithfulness to me. I praise God that He really has blessed me so much ever since C and I broke up, and I can honestly say that the decision I made to break up was one of the best decisions I made this year. God has carried me through the storm, and now I am enjoying the rainbow.

I'm moving back to Singapore today after making Hong Kong my home for the last 7 years. It's painful, so so painful, to be leaving all my friends behind, but underlying all this sadness is a quiet peace from knowing that my God is bigger than all this and that He will be with me every step of the way. For a while, I was tempted to fall into the trap of self-pity and grieve that I'll 'never be able to find friends in Singapore like the ones I have here', but I know now that God will be faithful to provide for me everything that I need in Singapore - every emotional, physical, mental and spiritual need. He will not leave me in a state of disarray. He has been so faithful in the little things that I know I can trust Him, and that He will help me to trust Him in the bigger things...after all, what are bigger things except lots of little things put together?

I have been so surrounded by love and God's people here, and I've grown so much over the last year, and now I am finally ready to go back to Singapore to be with my family and be a light to them. I try not to think about how 'dry' it's going to be in Singapore, as the only Christian in my whole family and without a church (yet! but God will lead me!) but He is helping me to keep my eyes focused on Him, and not look to the right or the left but to look to the Cross for my hope.

God is doing an amazing work in my Dad right now...I can feel my Dad coming closer and closer to the truth. God is really opening his eyes and his heart and it's so amazing to be witnessing this! Last night, when I was sharing with my Dad more about what God is doing in my life, he told me that he's so touched by watching God working in my life, and that he has goosebumps just thinking about it. He can see God's power and love in my life, and he thanked me for helping him to understand my relationship with my Heavenly Father. Oh Lord, I pray that You will continue to touch my Dad and soften his heart. Tear down all rational arguments and strongholds that prevent him from knowing the truth about You.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, August 29, 2007 at Wednesday, August 29, 2007 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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