Breaking up  

Posted by Tiffany in

C and I broke up last night. It hurts bad, I won't deny that, but there is a quiet peace dwelling inside me that wasn't there the whole period of time we were together.

I'm glad that he and I decided to remain friends, and I pray that it works out, but for now, my main focus is in growing in God and allowing Him to change me. A boyfriend just complicates everything. I am blessed with this season of singleness and I want to make every second count. Instead of focusing on meeting the 'right' guy, I want to focus on seeking after God and allowing Him to mould me into the 'right' person, because when He does bring my future husband into my life, I want it to be about how much I can bless him and love him, rather than how much he can meet my need for love and companionship.

Lord, I pray for Your healing balm of love to shower down on C and me, and I ask for the grace to trust and have faith in You to mend our broken hearts. Give us wisdom and discernment to stay away from the things that displease and dishonour You, and may we do that which is pleasing and right in Your eyes. In Jesus' name, Amen.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, July 10, 2007 at Tuesday, July 10, 2007 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .




:-) You are a smart girl.

8/06/2007 8:57 AM

Bless you Lily for your faith and obedience. Keep your eyes on Jesus, He will be your light.

8/08/2007 4:40 PM

Your words are so wise. I am glad that I came across your blog again, comeing over from The Roller Coster of My Life blog. I know that I have read your blog in the past, and saved it into my favorite blogs folder, but I have so many that I save ( ha ha ha!) that I have not come across it again. No matter, I am here now and just in time to encourage you with this scripture, from one Christian sister to another, Ok ? ;) xoxo and God bless you as you seek to honor Him with your life!!!!

1 Corinthians 14:33 "For God is not a God of disorder but of peace." You have recognized this and obeyed God in following His order for things. You will be blessed for this. {{{ hugs}}} and praying for you and him.

8/20/2007 10:10 PM

You don't know me yet. I am "A Chelsea Morning" Barb's Mom. Tonight I was checking blogs I haven't read, and for some reason took time to read yours, about the breaking up, and needing to line things up right with Jesus.

What you did took a huge amount of courage. I applaud you for that. You are wise to give yourself some time and space. Anybody worth having will understand,and respect your need for this. Anybody else, don't let them drag you down. I speak from years of not making good choices. How you're feeling now will pass. The safest and very best place you can be is in the arms of our Lord, and some day a man who understands that, will find you there.

8/25/2007 1:13 PM

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