I surrender, and He works  

Posted by Tiffany in ,

I had the most amazing day!!!

After talking to Josh yesterday, I realised that I really was going to be miserable if I went through the next 3 years at CUHK without any friends, so I went home and said, "Papa, I know You're enough, but I really want some friends, so would You please connect me with some people?"

So today I'm on my way to class and I'm changing trains at Admiralty, and instead of walking straight across to the next train, for some reason I walk diagonally across so that I'm 3 carriages away from where I normally go. And as I walk onto the train and turn around, I catch sight of this guy Bryan from my Psychology classes! He walks onto the same carriage and we end up chatting all the way to uni. It was so awesome to see how God just directs all my steps and lines up all these divine encounters.

I was a bit apprehensive about going to my Anthropology class today. I went to the Anthropology tutorial on Monday and I was the only Christian in class who was willing to talk about her faith (we were discussing religion and the meaning of life) and I was put on the spot by the professor. He didn't really like the answers I was giving, so finally he said, "If you believe in Jesus and we don't, does that mean we're all going to hell?" And you know what? I was shaking as I said it, but I had to say, "I know how it sounds, but yes, if I believe in Jesus, and I do, then that's what I have to believe too." And of course, he was like, "Well, God help us, because we're all going to hell apart from you." Everything inside me was trembling even as I was walking out the class because I don't really like being the only one standing for something!

I knew that my next Anthropology class was today, so immediately I got people to start praying and of course that's pretty much all I did these last two days. So I get to class today, and the most amazing thing happens.

Firstly, the professor doesn't see me at all until the end of the lesson even though I was sitting right in plain view and at one point even right next to him. Secondly, when he was picking on the Christians, he turned to the medical students and was like,

Professor: So Karen, you're a medical student. Do you think those Christians are foolish?
Karen: Actually...I'm a Christian too.
Professor: Okay, well Bryan! You're a rationalist...you're a medical student too. Do you think they're foolish?
Bryan: Umm...actually, I'm also a Christian.

Oh, it was so perfect!!! I was gleefully chuckling in my seat.

At the end of the lesson, I hung around and there was this one girl who wanted to know more about God, so I ended up sharing with her my testimony and talking to her about Jesus and how awesome He is!!!

The real icing on the cake though was when this random Christian girl in my class ran up to me at the end of the class and hugged me! I didn't even know her before she hugged me! We ended up chatting and exchanged numbers because we seem to have heaps in common.

Oh, how good is God???
I can barely contain my joy!

This entry was posted on Wednesday, October 08, 2008 at Wednesday, October 08, 2008 and is filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Very cool!

10/24/2008 6:58 AM

keep on posting! you have blessed me beyond measure reading your blog that seems almost alive with the LIFE you're living in god!

10/29/2008 12:37 PM

that's great, Tiff! I love seeing how God is using you! You see, God equips the called- we need not be 100% brave or 100% ready- but He is always brave and laways at the ready to help us!
I do think that you were VERY brave, though ;) Good job, sister!
Here's another hug for you: XOX :)

11/03/2008 11:11 AM

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