
Posted by Tiffany in ,

Prophecies can be so dangerous if we don't examine them according to the Word and ask God for confirmation. Even the most righteous and holy man can potentially give the wrong message not because they heard wrongly but because of the way they express themselves. For me, the prophecy that was said over me a few days ago caused me so much grief because the language that the person used was received by me in a way that made me feel so condemned. I have so many hurts and hangups that I felt so humiliated and shamed by the prophecy.

Thank God though that when I finally went to Him (after 2 days of not sleeping and LOTS of crying) and asked Him for the real message, He spoke the same prophecy to me but in the words and language that I understand. I see now that the essence of the message was pretty much the same, but because different words mean different things to me, I interpreted what the guy said so wrongly.

The lesson that God's been teaching me through this is that He wants to draw me into a new season where He doesn't use other people as much to speak to me because He wants to speak directly to me Himself. The leaders here are so anointed and so accurate in hearing from God that I fell into the trap of seeking them instead of seeking God. This whole prophecy thing has showed me that it's so important that whilst we must always be humble to receive other people's input into our lives, we must hear from God ourselves and seek Him and not other people.

This entry was posted on Sunday, March 02, 2008 at Sunday, March 02, 2008 and is filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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